Leverage A.I. built specifically to find the top buyers actively purchasing in any market across the country.
Ty Taylor
Flip Man
InvestorBase is a game-changer. It tells you who's buying, where they're buying, how much they're paying, and gives you their contact information. If you're serious about wholesaling real estate, you need this tool.
Jamil Damji
I don't know much, but I DO know wholesalers. Even though we are a scrappy bunch, we can be LAZY AF! I get a Buyers List in one step with InvestorBase? Take my money.
Matt Larson
This is the most exciting software I've seen in the real estate industry during my 19 years in the business.
Adam Whitney
Blackjack Real Estate
We signed $150k worth of assignments with InvestorBase buyers in our first 2 weeks. They are changing the dispositions game.