With data on over 50,000,000 investor transactions,
experience the best way to find buyers and analyze deals.

123 Main St.
456 Park St.
789 Center St.

Search a Property

Type in the address of a deal you're working on. Our AI algorithm will find the best matches for flippers and landlords nearby who are looking to buy their next flip or rental.

John Doe
  • (123) 456-7890
  • (123) 789-4560
  • (123) 123-4567
James Smith
  • (456) 456-7890
  • (456) 789-4560
  • (456) 123-4567
Jane Brown
  • (789) 456-7890
  • (789) 789-4560
  • (789) 123-4567

Get Details on Buyers

In addition to contact information, you'll also see extensive details on buyers' recent purchases. Analyze their behavior and see if they're a good fit for your deal.

Leverage Powerful Analytics

View insights on each of your deals at a glance. Instantly determine the level of potential in a property you're working on and easily make decisions.

What our users say


I don't know much, but I DO know wholesalers. Even though we are a scrappy bunch, we can be LAZY AF! I get a Buyers List in one step with InvestorBase? Take my money.

Jamil Damji



This is the most exciting software I've seen in the real estate industry during my 19 years in the business.

Matt Larson


Flip Man

InvestorBase is a game-changer. It tells you who's buying, where they're buying, how much they're paying, and gives you their contact information. If you're serious about wholesaling real estate, you need this tool.

Ty Taylor

Flip Man

Blackjack Real Estate

We signed $150k worth of assignments with InvestorBase buyers in our first 2 weeks. They are changing the dispositions game and are doing it at a fraction of the cost of anything else out there.

Adam Whitney

Blackjack Real Estate

Deventum Properties

I love that InvestorBase identifies Flippers & Buy-and-Hold investors so I know who to prioritize calling. I believe this is the best bang for your buck in regards to disposition platforms.

Devan Carroll

Deventum Properties

Bowen Capital Homes

InvestorBase is the only affordable solution out there to connect you with the buyers you need to sell your deals anywhere in the US.

Andrew McClam

Bowen Capital Homes

Premier Investment Solutions

InvestorBase was a quick, affordable, automation of something I used to have to do manually for our team.

Kenneth Mooney

Premier Investment Solutions

St. Andrews Investments

InvestorBase's user-friendly interface helped me effortlessly expand my sales network - and at an unbeatable price point.

Scott Barlow

St. Andrews Investments